Monday, November 15, 2010

Cultural Exhibit

de Grummond Collection
            For this assignment I visited the de Grummond Collection exhibit located on the second floor of Cook Library.  I also visited their Web site to gather more information about the collection.  The history of the collection intrigued me.  The exhibit itself was entertaining.
            There are several things on display in the exhibit right now.  They include works of Curious George and items related to its creators, the Reys, as well as other books and authors.  From memory, the thing that stands out the most from the Curious George exhibit is a letter addressed to the couple about their royalties from a project.  I was expecting solely books or sketches; the variety of items on display was surprising. 
            The Web site for the de Grummond Collection can be found through the USM Library Web site.  A brief history of the exhibit is explained.  I find myself humbled by the passion Lena Y. de Grummond displayed for her work.  She went above and beyond her call of duty.  Many people have benefited from her hard work, whether they may be students such as myself or authors awarded for their contributions to children’s and young adult’s literature by the department.